Showing posts with label Jack Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jack Johnson. Show all posts

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Celebrate Earth Day All Week During Covid-19

His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Ladakh, India, 2016, Tenzin Choejor, Dalai Lama Facebook.

Wishing everyone a Happy Earth Day and Week.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

His Holiness gave the following remarks about climate change in 2015. Watch it on YouTube:

This year on April 22 His Holiness the Dalai Lama shared the following message on

"On this 50th anniversary of Earth Day, our planet is facing one of the greatest challenges to the health and well-being of its people. And yet, in the midst of this struggle, we are reminded of the value of compassion and mutual support. The current global pandemic threatens us all, without distinctions of race, culture or gender, and our response must be as one humanity, providing for the most essential needs of all.

"Whether we like it or not, we have been born on this earth as part of one great family. Rich or poor, educated or uneducated, belonging to one nation or another, ultimately each of us is just a human being like everyone else. Furthermore, we all have the same right to pursue happiness and avoid suffering. When we recognize that all beings are equal in this respect, we automatically feel empathy and closeness towards others. Out of this comes a genuine sense of universal responsibility: the wish to actively help others overcome their problems.

"Our mother earth is teaching us a lesson in universal responsibility. This blue planet is a delightful habitat. Its life is our life; its future, our future. Indeed, the earth acts like a mother to us all; as her children, we are dependent on her. In the face of the global problems we are going through it is important that we must all work together.

"I came to appreciate the importance of environmental concern only after escaping from Tibet in 1959, where we always considered the environment to be pure. Whenever we saw a stream of water, for instance, there was no worry about whether it was safe to drink. Sadly, the mere availability of clean drinking water is a major problem throughout the world today.

"We must ensure that the sick and the valiant health-care providers throughout the world have access to the fundamental necessities of clean water and proper sanitation to prevent the uncontrolled spread of disease. Hygiene is one of the bases of effective health care.

"Sustainable access to properly equipped and staffed health-care facilities will help us meet the challenges of the current pandemic that ravages our planet. It will also offer one of the strongest defenses against future public health crises. I understand that these are precisely the objectives set forth in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that address challenges to global health.

"As we face this crisis together, it is imperative that we act in a spirit of solidarity and cooperation in order to provide for the pressing needs, particularly of our less fortunate brothers and sisters around the world. I hope and pray that in the days ahead, each of us will do all we can to create a happier and healthier world.

Dalai Lama
22 April 2020

(Message requested by Global Water 2020)"

His Holiness the Dalai Lama also recently shared his message "'Prayer Is Not Enough.' The Dalai Lama on Why We Need to Fight Coronavirus With Compassion." It was published in TIME magazine on April 14.

Earth Day Live.

Watch Earth Day Live

Tune into the Earth Day Live event online from April 22-24. The schedule is full of activities running from 6AM - 6PM PT each day.

Register to Vote

If you are a US citizen then please make sure you are registered to vote in the Tuesday, November 3, 2020 US elections. 

If you've moved, changed your name, or changed your political party affiliation since the last time you voted then you need to fill out a new voter registration form.

Visit to get all of your election-related questions answered.

Watch Kōkua Festival 2020 - Live From Home

Jack Johnson performed during Earth Day Live on the morning of April 22. He is helping to organize another festival, Kōkua Festival 2020 - Live From Home, on Saturday, April 25th from 3:00-5:00 PM PT. Watch the fundraiser on the Jack Johnson Facebook page or Amazon Music's Twitch page.

Watch Jack's Earth Day message about the festival on YouTube:

Jack had the opportunity to play music for His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the University of Hawaii at Manoa on April 14, 2012.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama playfully patting Jack Johnson's knee,

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Jack Johnson on the Waterkeeper Alliance

Jack on why he supports the Waterkeeper Alliance:

Jack on his connection to water:

A song for Waterkeeper Alliance (Greg Brown cover):

Founded in 1999 by environmental attorney and activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and several veteran Waterkeeper Organizations, Waterkeeper Alliance is a global movement of on-the-water advocates who patrol and protect over 100,000 miles of rivers, streams and coastlines in North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa. Get involved with your local group.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

California State Parks > stop the cuts

Just grabbed this from today's Surfrider Foundation e-newsletter:

Over the last several months, Surfrider has written about the plan to close 70 state parks--the proposal has been on the table in order to help close the state's budget gap. As if that weren’t bad enough, there is a new proposal to eliminate all seasonal lifeguards and 20% of ranger positions in California state parks if the Governor’s November ballot initiative for new revenue isn’t successful. Despite the fact that a decision on that initiative is ten months away, the Governor is demanding that these state park reductions be made this spring.

- send an email to California elected officials.

For the latest news sign up for the California State Parks Foundation e-newsletter, or follow them on social media. I just started following the org on Twitter.

When this world's too much it will be only the ocean and me.

Jack played this song live for the first time at the Toronto show on July 19 2010.

Friday, November 11, 2011

In The Morning

This music video just debuted today.

This song is on the new Brushfire Records "This Warm December" holiday album. You can stream it here.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Simply the Holidays with Jack Johnson

I blog about Jack Johnson's eco-friendly initiatives a lot. (As you might have already noticed!) Here's another one that he and his wife support - the Simply the Holidays campaign coordinated by the Kokua Hawaii Foundation.

This year, the Kokua Hawaii Foundation is offering up some great prizes for the winners of the Simply the Holidays contest - such as a CD autographed by Jack Johnson. More info here.

I really like these 2 suggestions, from the Kokua Hawaii Foundation:

* Purchase your holiday plateware second-hand, from the local thrift store.

* Start a new holiday tradition, and ask your guests to bring their own holiday mug to drink out of, at your party.

How do you Simplify the Holidays? Leave a comment below and let me know!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Jack Johnson : Recipient of the Billboard 2010 Touring Awards - Humanitarian Award

Last night, Jack Johnson received the 2010 Humanitarian Award at the annual Billboard Touring Awards in NYC. The award recognizes the philanthropic efforts of a touring musician. Previous award recipients include Kevin Lyman (2009), Jon Bon Jovi (2008), Kevin Wall (2007), Music Rising (2006), Dave Matthews (2005) and Clear Channel Entertainment (2004).

Billboard's explanation for why Jack received the award this year, here.

And another new video about Jack's humanitarian work, this one from October 29, CNN:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

While you're in the Voting Mood, please Vote for the Suhar Brothers

I met Blake, John and Zak Suhar when they were volunteering for Reverb at the Jack Johnson 2010 Alpine Valley & Rivers Edge shows. They helped out with the tour's All At Once booth and in the Village Green, and were so amazing.

photo: Jack Johnson Alpine Valley 2010 All At Once booth - Blake & John.

During the Alpine Valley show they offered to come help us out the following day, at the Rivers Edge show. They then drove 12 hours round-trip so that they could help us out at Rivers Edge, driving through the night on the return leg, so that Blake could be at work early the next AM. We were so lucky to have them with us for two shows.

photo: Jack Johnson Rivers Edge 2010 show Village Green - Zak, Blake, me, John.

Zak has entered he and his brothers in a National Outdoor Leadership School/Patagonia-sponsored competition to win their collective dream adventure trip. Please check out Zak's video submission, and then vote for them!

About the contest:

Zak's entry:

To vote for "The Suhar Dream Expedition" go here, click on the tab that says "View Entries", and then look for their video. Once you find their video, click on the thumbs up arrow on the upper right corner of the page, to cast your vote for the Suhar Brothers.

You can only vote for them once, and must vote by Oct 31.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Jack Johnson. Making a Difference. Red Rocks 2008.

1% for the Planet made a 15 minute long film about their work. It came out this year. Here's the segment about Jack Johnson, a member of 1% for the Planet.

One Percent For the Planet | Jack Johnson from felt soul media on Vimeo.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wind it back to 2008

Jack's 2008 Village Green @ UCSB. If you listen closely you'll hear someone speaking about voter registration in the background, at one point. I would like to think that's me:)

Obama's Celebratory Home State Ball, post the big win:

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jack Johnson sings about Plastics

World Water Day 2010 was March 22 but it's not too late to take the pledge that Jack sang about.

Just go to the left hand side of this page and click on "Sign the Declaration" in order to take the pledge.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bieber, Jack Johnson, OAR, Colbie Caillat sing "Happy Birthday". Send your friends E-Cards.

I am totally loving this. Send your friend an e-card of their fave artist from this site, singing "Happy Birthday" on behalf of the American Cancer Society.

Free, with a $5 suggested donation to the American Cancer Society.

Go here to send a card.

Here's the Bieber card:

Thursday, September 9, 2010

You view a Nonprofit's Video. Jack Johnson donates $1.

photo: a nonprofit booth @ the Alpine Valley July 2010 show

Jack's tour has partnered with nonprofit orgs again this year. The orgs that are participating in the 2010 tour work on projects related to local food systems & plastic free initiatives. Each show on Jack's current tour hosts orgs that are based in each show's host city - visit the Village Green at the shows to meet the orgs' representatives and to learn about what the orgs are doing, and how you can help!

Some of the 150+ partner orgs have videos about their orgs hosted on Jack's website. If you view an org's video then Jack, through the Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation, will donate $1 to that org. So get viewing and help the orgs raise funds:)

Note: This incentive only applies to the 2010 videos. But watch the 2008 videos just for fun - the 2008 videos are awesome, too:)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

2010 Jack Johnson Tour :: Photo Booth

These photos were taken in the All At Once Village Green photo booth @ the River's Edge show in Somerset, Wisconsin. That's Blake, one of our awesome All At Once volunteers, helping me test out the photo booth to make sure it was working before Jack's fans arrived at the show.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jack Johnson on Making a Difference

This Jack Johnson interview was conducted at last month's Mile High Festival in Colorado. Jack headlined the festival on Saturday night.

To expand on this, check out this excerpt from a CNN interview:

CNN: You're giving away 100 percent of the proceeds from your upcoming tour, and you did it on your 2008 tour, too. How can you afford to do that?

Jack Johnson: Everybody makes their salary still, everybody on the road makes a living doing it. The money that we're making from the shows, we're putting back into the communities we're playing at. We can't promise we'll do it forever. It's just something fun to do this summer.

CNN: Most musicians count on touring profits for their livelihood.

Johnson: The CD sales have done fine for us, so we feel really lucky to be able to use the touring as a fundraising tool. It's kinda nice.

CNN: How do you divvy up the funds?

Johnson: There's between five and 10 local nonprofit groups that come out to every show, and money from that show goes directly to the groups -- a certain percentage of it from that night.

And then at the end of the whole tour, we take the rest of it and we put it into a foundation. The nice thing with that is it's a perpetual deal, so we give away the interest every year. It's actually rewarding to see the tangible things -- this amount of instruments are going to this school district -- or to see photographs of a garden that got built from some of the funds. People write to us for grants [at his website,].

Love this little note from a review of the Aug 26, 2010 Cruzan Amphitheater show in West Palm Beach, FL:

And of course, the encore was nothing to scoff at, four songs deep closing with "Better Together," where Johnson brought everyone -- everyone -- including ALO, G. Love, Paula Fuga, and even his roadies, techs and fan club onstage, encouraging them to pick up anything they could. And they did. Roadies played tambourine, fans played bells and drummed on empty Zephyr Hills jugs.

Check it out:)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Heading Home

What is one to do when this is your concept of "home", the place that makes your heart want to explode?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Power of (Jack Johnson's) Music

I can't embed this brand new 13 minute long video interview with Jack about the Kokua Hawaii Foundation and the Kokua Festival, but check it out here.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I don't know, I don't know. But I don't know that we're meant to know.

my favorite Jack Johnson song off of the new album "To the Sea" ...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010