
Friday, July 17, 2020

Why You Worry? Everything is not locked down.

Geshe Palden Sangpo, Twitter.

Why You Worry? 

Everything is not locked down

Sunrise is not locked down

Love is not locked down

Family time is not locked down

Kindness is not locked down

Creativity is not locked down

Learning is not locked down

Conversation is not locked down

Imagination is not locked down

Reading is not locked down

Relationship is not locked down

Praying is not locked down

Meditation is not locked down

Sleeping is not locked down

Work from home is not locked down

Hope is not locked down

* Cherish what you have *

* Locked down is an opportunity to do what you always wanted to do.*

MASK is Better than VENTILATOR,

HOME is better than ICU,

PREVENTION is better than CURE.


- Geshe Palden Sangpo

Published on July 4, 2020, by Kadampa Center where Geshe Palden Sangpo is a resident teacher.

Geshe Palden Sangpo

"Geshe Palden Sangpo was born in 1972 in Kham Karze, eastern Tibet. He left his hometown at the age of 12 and crossed the Himalayan mountains on foot to be educated in Sera Jey Mahayana Monastery in southern India. 

"He received his novice vows in 1987 from Gaden Tripa Lobsang Nima at Drepung Monastery. In 1995, he received his full ordaination vows from His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Sera Monastery. 

"In 2001, after 17 years of studying the five major Buddhist texts at Sera Jey Monastery, he graduated as one of the youngest people ever to receive a Geshe degree. 

"At the guidance of his teacher, Sera Jey abbot Geshe Lobsang Delek, Geshe Sangpo then went to Gyudmed Tantric Monastery for a one year course of study on tantra. After completing this course, he returned to Sera Jey Monastery and was elected to a three year position as the Administrator of Sera Jey Healthcare Community."

Continue reading Geshe Palden Sangpo's biography on

Watch the beautiful four-minute video "Geshe Palden Sangpo message about Corona Virus" on the Kadampa Center for the Practice of Tibetan Buddhism Facebook page.

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