
Saturday, June 13, 2020

Study the Art of Translating Tibetan Online with Geshe Thupten Jinpa

Geshe Thupten Jinpa is a well-known translator. Wisdom Publications, which publishes materials on Buddhism, mindfulness, and meditation, is hosting a free on-demand online course "The Art of Translating Tibetan" taught by Geshe Thupten Jinpa and translators Gavin Kilty, Wulstan Fletcher, and Anne C. Klein. The course is offered in partnership with the Tsadra Foundation.

The Art of Translating Tibetan

Course Overview

"Here at Wisdom, we believe that one of the biggest opportunities in the Buddhist world right now is to help practitioners everywhere by translating source texts from Tibetan, so they can reach a broader audience and inspire people everywhere.

"These are texts that contain the seeds of awakening—or you might see them as clear waters that flow right from the source. They are of inexpressible value, and an amazing number of them have never been translated from Tibetan, remaining mysterious to millions of practitioners all over the world.

"This is why we believe in the vital importance of translators. Translators bring to us the taste of those clear waters, and with it, the possibility for profound understanding and freedom.

"We’re now thrilled to offer a new way for translators and practitioners alike to discover the rich world of translation in our new, free Masterclass with Thupten Jinpa: The Art of Translating Tibetan, produced in partnership with Tsadra Foundation.

"You don’t have to be a translator to take this class. What Jinpa shares will be deeply enriching for practitioners, too. Knowing the subtleties of the Tibetan words you’ve heard countless times will open up a whole new level of understanding to you."

Watch the course trailer on the Wisdom Publications Vimeo channel.

Course Syllabus

The course is composed of 41 video lessons totaling more than fifteen hours.

Introduction to TranslationTranslating Concepts and Terms: Reality
Getting Behind the Words with Gavin Kilty
Going Beyond Language and Translation as the Rebirth of the Text with Gavin Kilty
Literalism and Translating Terms with Gavin Kilty
The Responsibility of the Translator with Gavin Kilty
Translating Concepts and Terms: The Mind
Group Workshop
How Tibetan Texts Were Produced
The Use of Particles in Tibetan Texts
Translating Concepts and Terms: Meditation
Best Practices with Wulstan Fletcher
Introduction to Translating Verse
Verse Case Study #1: A Song of Milarepa
Verse Case Study #2: The Book of Kadam
Verse Case Study #3: A Poem of Tsongkhapa
Translating Different Genres
Literality in Translation with Anne Klein
Considering Genre in Translation with Anne Klein
Translating Sadhanas with Anne Klein
Advice for Aspiring Translators with Anne Klein
What is the State of Tibetan Translation? (Panel Discussion)
How Do We Prioritize What is Translated? (Panel Discussion)
Restricted Texts, Practice Experience, and Recommended Resources (Panel Discussion)
Is it Time to Standardize? (Panel Discussion)
How Can the Internet Assist Translators? (Panel Discussion)
How Should We be Training Young Translators? (Panel Discussion)
A Case Study in Publishing: The Library of Tibetan Classics
A Case Study in Editing: The Library of Tibetan Classics
Three Stages to Approaching a Translation
Interpreting Case Study: His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Closing Thoughts

Join the Course

Create a free "Wisdom Experience" account on the Wisdom Publications website.

Once you have created an account then go to the Wisdom Publications website, go to the top right corner, and log in to your account to view the course.

Download the free course pack, a PDF file which includes a summary of each lesson and a recommended reading list.

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