
Monday, May 18, 2020

Hear From Chelsea Clinton and Kennedy Odede on COVID-19 in Kenya's urban slums

SHOFCO Covid-19 awareness campaign and handwashing station, SHOFCO Facebook.

I visited the NGO Shining Hope for Communities (SHOFCO) in Kibera, Kenya, in 2011 where I met SHOFCO co-founder Jessica, and then heard her co-founder, Kennedy, speak at TedXKibera. 

I appreciate the work SHOFCO does in Kenya and am looking forward to hearing from Kennedy and supporter Chelsea Clinton on Wednesday, May 20.

The details are in the below email message I received on Friday, May 15, 2020. If you can't join the May 20 event then you can learn more and watch recordings of past events on the SHOFCO Facebook page.

SHOFCO May 20, 2020 event, SHOFCO e-newsletter.

"The spread of COVID-19 is marching on in Kenya’s urban slums and SHOFCO is on the front lines battling to help communities tackle this pandemic under a lockdown. I’ve been working relentlessly to tell this story out in the world, to ring the alarm bells of the devastating reality of COVID-19 in places where social distancing is a privilege, and most families are living on the edge of survival from week to week.

"As part of our mission to tell this story, I am hosting a candid and online conversation with my dear friend, Chelsea Clinton, whom I've gotten to know as a CGI U alumnus, and I would love to have you join us. Chelsea is Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation, and has extensive public health expertise with a focus on lasting, systemic change. I’m excited to speak with Chelsea about what the realities of COVID-19 mean for vulnerable communities in Kenya and how community-based leadership is stepping up in this moment to offer innovations and solutions that have global relevance. Together we will brainstorm ideas, exchange perspectives, and answer any questions you may have.

"Chelsea and I will be in conversation on Wednesday, May 20 at 12pm EDT / 5pm BST / 7pm EAT. You can register your participation and submit questions here.

"This is a moment of truth for us on the front line, as we adjust to the new reality that COVID-19 is here to stay. At the same time, I am seeing that COVID is a chance to rethink the status quo and governments are listening to community-based groups like SHOFCO in ways I never thought possible.

"Your voice and attention helps us as we continue to fight this battle. Please join our conversation on May 20, and read more about the work we are doing in Kenya here:

Thank you,

Kennedy Odede
SHOFCO Co-Founder & CEO"

1 comment:

  1. Nicole, all around the world, it is the population below poverty line or terribly low income who are facing tough times. In India, our migrant population has been left abandoned, and a kind of Supremacist attitude has swept over the middle class landscape. I look forward (if I remember) to this coversation.
    Thank you


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