
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Green Catering -- saving the world one bite at a time

I read about an amazing food services company, today, in Plenty Magazine. Bon Appétit Management Company is a socially responsible onsite restaurant company that provides café and catering services to corporations, colleges and universities, and specialty venues. They have 400+ locations in 28 states. Cooking food from scratch using fresh seasonal ingredients, they make socially responsible purchasing decisions, and serve great tasting and nutritious food, including vegan and vegetarian dishes.

They also have a great blog!

This reminds me of the amazing Dega Catering crew that I got to know this past summer, while running a voter registration drive on the Jack Johnson Tour. Each morning, the crew would vist and purchase food from local farms. Then they literally spent all day preparing some of the most amazing vegan food that I have ever tasted. (They made non-vegan food, too, but I can't vouch for any of it.)

Degas set out an amazing juice bar, too. Degas provided reusable dishes and flatware (which they handwashed after every meal), and the disposables that were available were biodegradable, made out of cornstarch. We always had recycling, and trash bins backstage, and often compost bins, too. I can't thank the Degas crew enough, for everything!

To get a taste of this, sorry, but you'll have to cook it yourself - visit Chef Dave Thorne's blog for some amazing recipies!

And check out the video below, to hear Jack's wife, Kim, talk about the amazing catering, too:)

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