Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Few "Return on Investment" Facts

Taken from Generation G's February 2009 Report

Still, whereas you (and we) enjoy broad statements like ‘younger generations are more prone to collaboration, sharing and giving’, some of your colleagues and/or superiors will want to see proof of this phenomenon, especially if they themselves are not (yet) part of GENERATION G. Numbers! Facts! Stats! So here are some tidbits—all related to well-known ‘generous’ sites for and by the people—that may help:

Flickr, the photo sharing site, now boasts more than 33 million users, more than 3 billion images, and was handling 3,087(!) new uploads per minute last time we checked.

Oh, and the below for Flickr (from RapLeaf) speaks volumes about which age groups are dominant within GENERATION G:

6.63% of 14-17 yr olds use the site
27.21% of 18 - 24 yr olds "
38.06% of 25-34 yr olds "
17.20% of 35-44 yr olds "
7.50% of 45-54 yr olds "
2.70% of 55-64 yr olds "
0.71% of 65+ yr olds "

Wikipedia has 8,687,877 registered users, 144,788 of whom have been actively involved in the last 30 days. It offers 15,741,616 info pages.

13 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, while 1 billion videos are watched. A day. And that was LAST year.

And don't get us started on the millions of blogs (sharing insights and thoughts), or on reviews ( alone hosts 20,000,000 hotel reviews), or on an entirely new infrastructure for giving away excess stuff (just browse the listings at the Really Really
Free Market and the FreeCycle Network).

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